Australien fik tidligere på måneden stryg for udspillet til den internationale klimaaftale, der skal vedtages i december. Men nu hædres et af nationens mest kendte symboler, det berømte Operahus i Sydney, for den grønne indsats.
Operahuset med de karakteristiske runde skaller er tegnet af den danske arkitekt Jørn Utzon. Det har netop modtaget fire grønne stjerner – de såkaldte Green Stars – for klimavenlige præstationer.
Det fremgår af en artikel på Climate Action Networks hjemmeside:
The iconic Australian landmark joins a small handful of World Heritage buildings that have achieved green certification globally.
The announcement was made by New South Wales deputy premier and minister for the arts Troy Grant, GBCA chief executive Romilly Madew and Sydney Opera House buildings director Greg McTaggart.
Sætter standard for alle bygninger i Australien
Ms Madew addressed the audience inside the Concert Hall and said:
“This is an amazing achievement. If you think about this project most buildings in Australia that have achieved a Green Star rating – we’ve had 970 achieve a Green Star rating – 860 of those have been new buildings. So only 100 have achieved a Performance rating. This would really have to be the most challenging of all those buildings that have achieved a rating.”
Madew added:
“They have laid down the gauntlet to the whole industry in Australia to say, ‘We can achieve a Green Star rating on performance… which mean you can for your buildings too.’ If you can green the Opera House, you can green anything,”
NSW deputy premier Troy Grant said the rating had “set the standard for all buildings across the state”.
Grant added: “The Opera House is an icon of Sydney and a symbol of modern Australia so it’s vital that it sets the standard,” he said.
Grønne bygninger behøver ikke være nye
“The endorsement of the Opera House by the GBCA sends a clear message that green buildings don’t have to be new – even the most recognisable and historic landmarks can earn a place among the most celebrated sustainable buildings in the world.”
A wide range of upgrades and sustainability projects have been implemented to help achieve the Performance rating including LED upgrades with a “heritage lighting” setting that has resulted in a 75 per cent reduction in electricity consumption and will save $70,000 per year.
Innovative additions to the Opera House include a seawater cooling system for HVAC and a “chilled ceiling” design to assist temperature control.
A new lighting control system has been added to the building to improve energy efficiency and a range of eco-friendly cleaning methods has also been introduced.
The staff working at the Opera House also receive sustainability training and an operational waste management plan in line with the Better Buildings Partnership best practice guidelines has been introduced.