WFP har fået 125 mio. kr. ind til syriske flygtninge på et døgn

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FNs Fødevareprogram (WFP) kan ikke få armene ned: På blot et døgn er der skaffet 21,5 mio. dollars (over 125 mio. kr.) ind fra private givere via internettets sociale medier – de går til de trængende syriske flygtninge i nabolandene, som donorerne har svigtet. Endnu et døgn til at skaffe totalen på godt 380 mio. kr.  

ROME, 4. December 2014 (WFP): On Monday, WFP announced the suspension of the refugee food assistance programme. Rather than waiting for donors, WFP launched an unprecedented public appeal.

In the first 24 hours, the money received from individuals, corporations and governments totals one-third of the 64 million dollar (godt 380 mio. DKR) required to fully reinstate the Syrian refugee food programme for 1.7 million people.

“People do care. The Syrian refugees are not forgotten,” said WFP Executive Director Ertharin Cousin, adding:

“Because the refugee food assistance is provided by e-vouchers, over the coming days we will immediately begin reinstating e-vouchers for some of the poorest and most vulnerable families, particularly women and children.”

WFP will continue this campaign for another 48 hours. The programme now requires 42.5 million dollar.

“Raising one-third in the first 24-hours brings hope,” said Muhannad Hadi, WFP Regional Emergency Coordinator for the Syria Crisis.

“We must ensure no child goes hungry this month. WFP should not be forced to choose between one hungry child over another.”

BEMÆRK: WFP havde søndag aften (07.12.14) endnu ikke viderebragt det endelige resultat af 72-timers appellen.

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