CSW drøfter, hvordan kvinder i landområder kan dæmme op mod sult

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Når FNs kvindekommission CSW mødes i Ghana fra 20. til 23. september er hovedtematet, hvilken rolle kvinder i landområder kan spille i bekæmpelsen af fattigdom og sult, skriver UN Women på sin hjemmeside mandag.

In order to contribute to a fuller understanding of the issue and to assist the Commission in its deliberations, the UN Women will convene an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on ‘Enabling rural women’s economic empowerment: institutions, opportunities and participation’.

The meeting from 20-23 September 2011 in Accra, Ghana, is arranged in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP).

The EGM will explore a wide range of strategies that can enhance the economic empowerment of rural women, and will focus on the following critical areas:

Rural women’s strengthened role in agriculture;

Rural women’s access to productive resources, technology markets and financing;

Decent and productive employment and income-generating opportunities for rural women;

Infrastructure and service-delivery that benefit rural women;

Rural women’s role in natural resource management and climate change adaptation;

Effective institutions and enabling policy environment that promotes gender responsive rural development.