Verdensbanken stolt over sin kamp mod projekt-svindel

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

83 firmaer og NGOer er udelukket fra projekter det seneste år, så tallet inklusive enkeltpersoner nu er oppe på 541 – alle er mistænkt for svindel eller korruption og flere har måttet betale penge tilbage, også ærværdige Oxford University Press.

WASHINGTON D.C., 9th. October 2012: As the World Bank Group pursues its mission to eliminate poverty, the Bank’s Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) concluded another strong year in its preventive and investigative efforts.

The year resulted in 83 debarments (udelukkelser) of wrongdoing firms, new agreements with national law enforcement authorities to expand the impact of INT’s investigations, numerous referrals to law enforcement agencies, and robust preventive efforts to help ensure Bank-financed projects deliver results.

“For the World Bank Group, fighting fraud and corruption is a vital responsibility,” said World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, addng:

“My predecessor, Robert Zoellick, put it well, ‘Corruption steals from the poor.’

“Fighting corruption is fundamental to the work we do each day to eliminate poverty and expand prosperity, to ensure that our efforts are effective and build sustainable change through good governance and sound institutions.”

Integrity results during FY12 (finansåret 2012) include:

* 83 entities debarred, bringing the total number of debarred entities, non-governmental organizations and individuals to 541
* 122 jointly recognized debarments among multilateral development banks (MDBs) that signed the Cross Debarment agreement
* Building precautions against fraud (svindel) and corruption in 84 high-risk projects with a combined lending volume of 21,2 billion US dollar.
* Eight new memoranda of understanding with national authorities and development organizations from around the world including the Nordic Development Fund, the Ministry of Security and Justice of the Netherlands, the Liberian Anti-Corruption Commission and the Ombudsman of the Philippines.
* Additional integrity results include targeting firms, large and small, in different sectors to bolster corporate compliance, restitution (udbetaling af erstatning) and help make development clean.
* Companies including Alstom, Oxford University Press among others acknowledged misconduct in a number of World Bank-financed projects.
* As part of Negotiated Resolution Agreements with these companies, a number of their subsidiaries have been debarred and they commit to cooperating with INT while improving their internal compliance programs.
* In addition, Alstom is paying 9,5 million dollar and Oxford University Press 500.000 dollar to remedy some of the harm done by the misconduct.

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