Hvordan klarer vi de største udfordringer frem mod 2030?

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Kommentar af Donna Barne, Verdensbanken

Har verden fået has på dyb armod i 2030? Hvordan klarer vi det? Vil vi kunne afværge de værste virkninger af klimaforandringerne? Kan vi standse ebolas fremmarch? Det er nogle af de største udfordringer, vi står overfor i dag. 

In 2014, the World Bank Group tapped its knowledge, finance, and influence to confront global problems.

1) Taking on economic growth

In the wake of the financial crisis, developing countries were the engine of the global economy. In 2014, they faced new risks: lower growth, less financing, and lower prices for their commodities.

In January and again in June, the World Bank urged developing countries to get their houses in order.

Countries need blueprints to maintain the kind of growth that helped cut extreme poverty nearly in half globally in the last couple of decades. 

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Begynd fra: “With the financial crisis fading, now is the….” 

Donna Barne er rådgiver i Verdensbanken i Washington D.C.

Kilde: Verdensbankens netsted.