FN advarer om kraftigt forværret situation i Darfur

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FN-vicegeneralsekretær Hervé Ladsous anmoder Sikkerhedsrådet om at lægge pres på Sudans stridende parter for at indlede direkte fredsforhandlinger om Darfur-provinsen.

NEW YORK, 17 March 2015 (UN News Service): Over the last year, the situation in Darfur had “deteriorated significantly”, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations told the Security Council Tuesday.

He urged the 15-member body and the African Union to step up pressure on parties to start direct negotiations towards ceasing hostilities — the first step on a path to lasting peace in the restive Sudanese region.

Mere om den 12 år lange og blodige konflikt i det vestlige Sudan på http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Darfur 

On support for mediation, Mr. Ladsous said the African Union-United Nations Joint Mediator, throughout the year, had called on rebels who had not signed the Doha Document to do so without preconditions, while it pressed the Sudanese Government to offer a peaceful settlement to conflicts around country.

Talks among the Government, the Sudan Liberation Army – Minni Minnawi, and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM-Jibril) were held from 22 to 30 November 2014 in Addis Ababa, under the auspices of the Union’s High-Level Implementation Panel for Sudan.

Hervé Ladsous presented two reports:

1) The Secretary-General’s report on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID), which covers work from 26 November 2014 to 12 February.

2) a special report on the Operation’s three new strategic priorities, endorsed by the Council through resolution 2148 (2014) and whose implementation, Mr. Ladsous said, was the primary goal.

Those priorities included:

* support for mediation between the Government and rebels who had not signed the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur;

* protection of civilians and work to establish security conditions necessary for unhindered humanitarian access;

* and – in consultation with the UNs country teams – mediation of community conflicts.

A proposal on tasks to be transferred to United Nations country teams would be presented in the Secretary-General’s next report, at the end of May, he said.

A report containing a proposed exit strategy would also be presented at that time.

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