FNs hurtige udrykningsfond får 2,2 mia. kr. i nye tilsagn

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Verdensorganisationens ambulancefond til hurtig indsats i katastroferamte områder har også god brug for pengene i betragtning af de humanitære kriser i f.eks. Syrien, Filippinerne og Centralafrika og mange oversete lande, som ikke rammer overskrifterne.

NEW YORK, 13 December 2013 (UN News Service): Donors Friday pledged (lovede) 404,6 million US dollar (ca. 2,2 milliarder DKR) for the United Nations fund that enables the quick delivery of life-saving humanitarian aid to those who need it most around the world.

The pledges came in response to an appeal by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and the world body’s top relief official.

The Fund, established by the General Assembly seven years ago, has grown to become one of the largest and most reliable sources of humanitarian funding. Since 2006, it has disbursed (udbetalt) more than 3,2 billion dollar to emergencies in 88 countries.

“The most vulnerable people on Earth depend on your support to enable this work to continue,” Mr. Ban said in his opening remarks at the High-level Conference for the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

“That is why I ask that you give as much as possible to this important fund. These are uncertain economic times for many, but I urge you to give generously and to give early, so CERF can help as many people as possible in 2014.”

“The Fund has proved itself as one of the most effective and efficient ways to support urgent aid needs,” Mr. Ban said, noting that this year alone, CERF funds have kick-started urgent humanitarian operations in Syria, Mali and the Philippines.

In 2013, CERF allocated more than 82 million dollar to support relief efforts in Syria and neighbouring countries, bringing the total since the crisis began in 2011 to more than 135 million dollar.

In the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, CERF provided the first major injection of funds for relief work on the ground. As a result, millions of people received desperately needed food, clean water and medicines.

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