Kenya: Sundhedspersonale ved stort set intet om at forebygge hiv-smitte

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Forfatter billede

BONDO, 4. oktober, 2010: Manglende viden omkring hiv-smitte og -patienter hos sundhedspersonale i Kenya har medført, at forebyggelse mod den farlige virus (der kan føre til aids i udbrud) har været ikke-eksisterende.

– Health workers have certain misconceptions about people living with HIV… many do not have the training in how to provide messages to those already infected, said Ann Okoth, the district public health nurse in western Kenya’s Bondo district, adding:

– So people who are positive come [to health centres] and the opportunity to give information to them is lost.

– Training and counselling for health workers dealing with HIV-positive people is very important in improving people’s health-seeking behaviour and in turn for the success of prevention with positives programmes, noted she.

According to a 2008 report by the Centre for Reproductive Rights and the Federation of Women Lawyers of Kenya, negative healthcare experiences can discourage HIV-positive women from seeking medical care.

Among other violations, the report noted that women living with HIV were frequently turned away from public health facilities or secluded in an area of the hospital away from other patients; reprimanded for bearing children or being sexually active, and denied access to contraception, family planning and maternity services.

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