Nigeria: National sikkerhedsboss fyret

Forfatter billede

Nigerias nationale sikkerhedsrådgiver Sarki Mukhtar er blevet fyret på grund af den eskalerende krise i byen Jos i landets nordlige del, som i søndags resulterede i 400 menneskers død.

Skriver AfricaNews’ redaktion tirsdag.

The National Security Adviser of Nigeria Sarki Mukhtar has been fired over the Jos crisis that led to the death of about 400 people on Sunday. The acting President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan replaced him with Aliyu Gusau, a one time National Security Adviser to former President, Olusegun Obasanjo.

About 400 corpses from the Sunday massacre were given mass burial at Dogon Na Hauwa village in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State amid tears and wailings yesterday according to the Vanguard newspaper.

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