Nyt tilfælde af børnelammelse i Elfenbenskysten frygtes overført fra Nigeria
As the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Wednesday confirmed that a new case of paralytic poliomyelitis (børnelammelse) has been…
27. februar 2004 | Afrika -
Nigeria: Muslimsk delstat vil ikke vaccinere mod polio
Den store nordlige delstat, Kano, i Nigeria vil ikke deltage i en massiv vaccinations-kampagne mod børnelammelse, som netop er indledt…
24. februar 2004 | Afrika -
Massevaccination mod børnelammelse igang i Vestafrika
In what the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) called a breakthrough in Africas health care, several African countries have started…
23. februar 2004 | Afrika -
Harry Belafonte: Nu må det være slut med skolepengene
The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) Monday reported that its goodwill ambassador, Harry Belafonte, has issued a call on all…
17. februar 2004 -
Zambia: Lidt mere til fattigdomsbekæmpelse – men grumme sociale indikatorer
Spending by the Zambian government on poverty reduction programmes has increased by almost 22 million US dollars this year; an…
15. februar 2004 -
Tomme lejre for løsladte børnesoldater på Sri Lanka
The UNs childrens agency, Unicef on Thursday appealed to the Sri Lanka Tamil Tigers to release the child soldiers it…
22. januar 2004 -
Krigsherrer krænker børns rettigheder ustraffet
Despite tangible progress in the struggle to ensure the protection, rights and well-being of children exposed to armed conflict, their…
21. januar 2004 -
FN gør et nyt forsøg på at udrydde børnelammelse: Vil vaccinere 250 millioner børn
With a bold new plan for massive campaigns to immunize 250 million children against polio, the six remaining polio-endemic countries…
16. januar 2004 -
WHO: Børnelammelse spreder sig igen
The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Friday confirmed two new cases of poliovirus in Benin and Cameroon; countries where…
10. januar 2004 -
UNICEF i 2004: Vil sætte endnu mere fokus på børnene
The United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) has pledged to focus its efforts in 2004 on helping the young to survive…
6. januar 2004