U-landshjælp er også viden
The power of information – closing the knowledge gap Over 100 of the worlds poorest countries will now be able…
6. oktober 2006 -
FN: Somaliske flygtninge i Kenya har brug for hjælp
With Somalis fleeing the conflict between Islamists and warlords pouring into neighbouring Kenya at the rate of 200 to 300…
29. september 2006 -
WHO godkender efter 30 år igen DDT i kampen mod malaria
The World Health Organization (WHO) has reversed a 30-year policy by endorsing the use of DDT for malaria control. The…
16. september 2006 -
Enorm kampagne mod børnelammelse på Afrikas Horn
Geneva, 8 Sept.: In the largest-ever synchronized vaccination campaign in the Horn of Africa, Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya will simultaneously…
8. september 2006 | Afrika -
4.500 børn om dagen dør af beskidt vand og dårlige sanitære forhold
Contaminated water and bad sanitation were responsible for the deaths of 1,6 million children under the age of 5 last…
8. september 2006 -
Ny “nærmest uhelbredelig” tuberkulose-variant dukket op
A “virtually untreatable” form of Tuberkulosis (TB) has emerged, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), reports BBC Online Wednesday.…
7. september 2006 -
13 vil være ny WHO-chef
Der er 2 nordiske kandidater – en islandsk og en finsk – på listen over i alt 13 håbefulde, der…
6. september 2006 -
Der skal mere til hvis sundhedsmål skal nås
The world is in danger of missing targets for providing clean water and sanitation unless there is a dramatic increase…
6. september 2006 -
Ronaldinho i brechen for FN
Brazilian soccer star Ronaldinho, one of the worlds best known sports figures, has agreed to use his celebrity status to…
21. august 2006 -
Milepæl i kampen mod hiv
The number of people receiving HIV antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa has surpassed the one million mark for the first…
18. august 2006