FAO indgår samarbejdsaftale med EU om at bekæmpe sult
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) signed an agreement Monday with the European Commission to work more closely…
13. september 2004 -
Danske NGOer rystede over afghansk minister
De 3 danske nødhjælpsorganisationer, DACAAR, Dansk Afghanistan Komité og Mission Øst, er rystede over, hvad de opfatter som fjendtlige udtalelser…
10. september 2004 -
Mark Malloch Brown: Med dette tempo når Afrika aldrig 2015 Målene
As the United Nations and hundreds of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) wrapped up a three-day meeting on how to reach global…
10. september 2004 | Afrika -
WFP vil hjælpe 260.000 ugandesere med mad i det kriseramte nordøst
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said Friday it had started providing food to help resettle more than 260.000…
10. september 2004 -
AFGHANISTAN-PAKISTAN: Fordrevne siger de kun får lidt hjælp
Residents of Pakistans northwestern conflict-hit tribal belt of Wana have complained that no relief or human rights agency have acted…
9. september 2004 -
Hjælp til orkanofre i Caribien
UN agencies hurry relief preparations as deadly United Nations humanitarian agencies are accelerating the deployment of staff and emergency kits…
9. september 2004 -
Poul Nielson i statusrapport efter 5 år som EUs udviklingskommissær: Fattigdomsprofilen skærpet
Poul Nielsons statusrapport, som fremlægges for Europa-parlamentets Udviklingskomite den 7. oktober Progress against commissioner Nielsons commitments to the European Parliament…
9. september 2004 -
Poul Nielson: dybt berørt af kidnapning af bistandsfolk i Bagdad
Poul Nielson, the European Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Tuesday expressed his deepest concern about the kidnapping of four…
9. september 2004 -
Kemikalie-affald tikkende bombe i u-landene – alligevel er pengene til oprydningsprogram ved at slippe op
Warning that high quantities of toxic chemical waste from unused or obsolete pesticides present a ticking time bomb in many…
9. september 2004 -
FN-workshop om udvikling gennem græsrods-kommunikation
Experts gathered Monday in Rome at the headquarters of the United Nations food agency to examine how communications at the…
8. september 2004