Indien indstifter international pris i 150-året for Tagores fødsel

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Den indiske forfatter, digter, filosof og nationalist, Rabindranath Tagore, fik Nobelprisen i litteratur i 1913 som første ikke-vesterlænding. Regeringen i New Delhi vil hædre ham her i 150-året for hans fødsel. Flere af Tagores værker er oversat til dansk og han gæstede Danmark flere gange (se neden for)

The Indian government on Saturday announced a slew of (en mængde) initiatives to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), writes “The Times of India” Sunday.

They include instituting an international award to recognize contribution to international brotherhood and fraternity and Tagore fellowships (forskerstillinger) to encourage research on the poet-artist.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said several projects are being undertaken as part of the celebrations to make Tagore’s works more accessible to a wider audience and preserve them for posterity.

He said the digital collection of Tagore’s paintings released by Congress President Sonia Gandhi has been put together for the first time. Besides, some important material on the doyen of Bengali literature on celluloid has been restored and packaged for audience at home and abroad after sub-titling them in English.

He said,that ”with a view to revitalize some of our important cultural institutions and to encourage high quality research in their precious resources, the ministry of culture has introduced a new Tagore National Fellowship for Culture”.

Under the scheme, renowned scholars have been invited to take up research projects on unknown or lesser known cultural resources that lie within the cultural institutions.

The Prime Minister said the government is tasked with restoration of the cultural properties in Shantiniketan, which will make Viswa Bharati regain its former glory.

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said setting up of cultural complexes will help showcase the rich legacy of Tagore abroad. The newly-renamed Tagore cultural complex scheme will include establishment of new cultural complexes and modernizing of existing Rabindra Bhawans and centres, notes “The Times of India”.

Dansk begejstring – dengang i 1921

Tagore gæstede Danmark første gang for 90 siden og fik en stormende velkomst.

Fra “Københavnerliv 1912-1937”:

22. maj 1921
Nobelpristageren, den berømte indiske Digter og Filosof, Rabindranath Tagore, kom i Gaar til København, hvor en uoverskuelig Menneske-mængde gav ham en begejstret Velkomst paa Hovedbanegaarden.

Det var med Nød og næppe at hans Forlægger Povl Branner og Forlagets litterære Konsulent, Forfatteren Kai Friis Møller, fik den berømte Gæst lodset gennem Menneskehavet.

24. maj 1921
Tagore vækker Opsigt overalt, hvor hans hvide Profetskikkelse viser sig. Tagore har besøgt Høffding paa Carlsberg og talt i Studenterforeningen, hvor Studenterne bragte ham Fakkeltog, og i Gaar holdt han forelæsning på Universitetet.

Der var sort af Mennesker på Frue Plads, da Tagore kom ud fra Universitetet, og her holdt han en Tale til Folkemængden, idet han rettede en Tak til Københavnerne for den Hjertelighed, hvormed de havde budt ham Velkommen.