Skrantende helbred er et problem blandt Burmas fordrevne

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Hjælpearbejdere udtrykker bekymring over stigende helbredsproblemer hos Burmas mange internt fordrevne på grund af dårlige sanitære forhold.

Det drejer sig hovedsageligt om tusindvis af flygtninge, som befinder sig ved grænsen til Kina. Flere end 45.000 mennesker lider under dårlige sanitære forhold; mange børn lider af diarré, da de er tvunget til at drikke beskidt vand, og der er ikke nok toiletter.

Kachin, 31. January, 2011 (IRIN): In one camp, aid workers report just five latrines for more than 1.200 people.

“A few people in the camps have already died from this and we are worried that diseases will spread,” she said.

While much of the water supply is trucked into the camps, many of the displaced while on the run have to drink directly from streams or boil pond water

The WPN assists 16 camps under control of (oprørsgruppen) KIA (Kachin Independence Army) in the southern part of Kachin State, where about 20.000 IDPs (fordrevne) are housed in temporary bamboo shelters, but there is a growing strain on volunteers and resources as the conflict continues.

In the north, another 20.000 IDPs are housed in camps also under KIA control, with about 10.000 in the government-controlled area around the border town of Myitkyina.

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