Den ene – en fattig bonde – løb hen ad gaden ved et kloster omspændt af flammer i protest mod angivelig religiøs og etnisk undertrykkelse af Tibet, som har været besat af Kina i over 60 år – Danmark var det som bekendt i fem.
A Tibetan farmer has died after setting fire to himself in north-western China, according to human rights groups, writes BBC online Tuesday.
It is the second self-immolation near the influential Labrang monastery in Gansu province in two days.
Pictures posted by the International Campaign for Tibet show Dorje Rinchen running down a street, his entire body covered in flames.
The Buddhist Labrang monastery is one of the most influential outside Tibet. It was the site of protests by monks and nuns in 2008, following ethnic riots in the Tibetan capital Lhasa.
On Monday a herdsman burned to death outside a prayer hall at the monastery. There was a further self-immolation at a nearby monastery in Gansu province on Saturday.
More than 50 Tibetans, many of them monks and nuns, are reported to have set fire to themselves since 2009 in protests against what they say is China’s repressive rule.
Beijing denies this and says Tibetans enjoy religious freedom.
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