FNs menneskeretschef i sjælden direkte kritik af Kina om Tibet

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Efter at omkring 60 tibetanere har sat ild til sig selv siden marts 2011 i desperate protester mod kinesernes fremfærd og undertrykkelse retter FN en sjælden direkte offentlig kritik mod Kina, som har behersket Tibet i over 60 år.

GENEVA, 2 November 2012: United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Friday urged Chinese authorities to promptly address the longstanding grievances (dyb utilfredshed) that have led to an alarming escalation in desperate forms of protest, including self-immolations (selvbrændinger), in Tibetan areas.

The UN human rights chief said she was disturbed by „continuing allegations of violence against Tibetans seeking to exercise their fundamental human rights of freedom of expression, association and religion‟.

She pointed to „reports of detentions and disappearances, of excessive use of force against peaceful demonstrators, and curbs (indskrænkninger) on the cultural rights of Tibetans.‟

17-årig gennemtævet og fængslet for at kræve frihed

Cases have included a 17-year-old girl who was reportedly severely beaten and sentenced to three years in prison for distributing flyers calling for Tibet’s freedom and the return of the Dalai Lama.

Others have been sentenced to between four and seven years in prison for writing essays, making films or distributing photos of events in Tibet outside China. Serious concerns have been raised about fair trial standards, and the torture and ill-treatment of detainees.

“I have had several exchanges with the Chinese Government on these issues. But more needs to be done to protect human rights and prevent violations,” Pillay said, adding:

“I call on the Government to respect the rights to peaceful assembly and expression, and to release all individuals detained for merely exercising these universal rights.”

The High Commissioner also appealed to Tibetans to refrain from resorting to extreme forms of protest, such as self-immolation, and urged community and religious leaders to use their influence to help stop this tragic loss of life

“I recognise Tibetans’ intense sense of frustration and despair which has led them to resort to such extreme means,” she said, “but there are other ways to make those feelings clear. The Government also needs to recognise this, and permit Tibetans to express their feelings without fear of retribution.”

Hvorfor må FN ikke komme ind i Tibet?

The High Commissioner urged the Government, as a confidence-building measure, to allow independent and impartial monitors to visit and assess the actual conditions on the ground, and to lift restrictions on media access to the region.

She noted that there are 12 outstanding requests for official visits to China by UN Special Rapporteurs on various human rights issues, including one by the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion and belief.

During the Universal Periodic Review of China’s human rights record before the UN Human Rights Council, the State pledged to step up cooperation with Special Procedures. Pillay called on the Government to facilitate their access.

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Begynd fra: “Social stability in Tibet will never be achieved through heavy security measures….‟