Verdens største bistandsyder vil satse på Indiens fattige

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Intet andet land har så mange fattige som den regionale stormagt og atommagt, Indien, men de er hægtet af det meste af den økonomiske fremgang – nu vil Verdensbanken satse på “inkluderende økonomisk vækst”, dvs den skal nå de fattige.

NEW DELHI, March 13, 2013: The World Bank Group is committed to helping India meet its significant development needs by providing finance and knowledge services and by responding to a government request to increase support to the low-income states where most of India’s poor live, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said Tuesday.

Ending his first visit to India as World Bank Group President, Kim said that “we have an historic opportunity to accelerate the reduction of poverty in India. The World Bank Group is committed to supporting the Indian people as they pursue this crucial goal.”

Meetings in Delhi with civil society leaders, private sector representatives and a youth group, as well as a field visit to (delstaten) Uttar Pradesh, enabled Kim to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges India continues to face as it strives for faster, more inclusive economic growth.

Kim said that the World Bank Group would work toward continuing its level of annual assistance of 3 to 5 billion US dollar to India over the next four years.

The Bank will complement its enhanced (øgede) financial lending with technical assistance and knowledge services to help India improve the implementation of its development programs.

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Kilde: Verdensbanken