Han besang viljen til at holde fast i tibetansk kultur og sprog foran tusinder af begejstrede tilskuere i Tibet og blev ført væk af kinesisk politi. Det skriver censur-bekæmperen Freemuse mandag med henvisning til den eksil-tibetanske nyhedstjeneste phayul.com.
The Chinese authorities in Khyungchu County have arrested a popular Tibetan singer following a packed concert participated by several other singers from various parts of Tibet on May 24, sources said.
Popular singer and a patriot, Gepey was arrested by the police after a concert that was attended by thousands of fans and music enthusiasts. A group of local Tibetan youngsters had organized the concert for which they had invited the singers among which Gepey was the most popular on the concert day.
The concert, sources said, was organized with the objectives of creating awareness among the Tibetan youth about the importance of the Tibetan language and its culture.
Following the concert, Chinese officers arrived at the concert venue and took Gepey away without citing any reasons for his arrest. There is no information about his condition and whereabouts.
Tibetan singers, writers, and artists promoting Tibetan national identity and culture have been the target of China’s ongoing crackdown on intellectuals, especially after the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Gepey is a well-known artist and has a huge fan following in Tibet and the Diaspora.
Some of his popular songs are “Pain without Trace” (Mamey Ki Na Sug), “I am coming” (Nga Yong Gi Yoe), and “A short song of Remembrance” (Drenpey Shehchung).‟
Gribende tekst om undertrykkelsens åg
Lyrics of the “Pain without Trace” reads (translated from Tibetan by Bhuchung D Sonam):
On top of the Potala Palace, (Chinas) Five-starred red flag is hoisted, The heart of my faraway brother, Is drowned in tears of sorrow,
Trishor Gyalmo, the sacred lake,
Is frozen in the three winter months,
Swans of the lake’s north side,
Have flown away into the realm of peace,
The greedy and scheming (beregnende) enemy,
Has taken over the Tibetan land,
Causing fresh wounds in the Hearts of all our people,
The shameless robbers have Stolen our fathers‛ inheritance,
Turning the hearts of a powerless people,
Colder than waters of the great rivers.
Hvad er Potala Paladset?
Se http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potalapaladset
Se også mere om Tibet på http://www.phayul.com
Tibet har været besat af kinesiske styrker siden 1950, altså i over 60 år; Danmark var besat af tyskerne i fem.