FN: Nordkoreas atomprogram skygger for menneskeretsovergreb

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En ny leder har ikke ændret respekten for menneskerettigheder i Nordkorea. Nu vil FNs højkommissær for Menneskerettigheder, Navi Pillay, have det internationale samfund til at gribe ind.

NEW YORK, 14th January, 2013 (UN News Service): A top United Nations official Monday condemned the “deplorable” human rights situation in North Korea and urged the international community to launch an inquiry into serious crimes that have been persistent in the country for decades.

“There were some initial hopes that the advent of a new leader might bring about some positive change in the human rights situation in the country,” said the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay. “But a year after Kim Jong Un became the country’s new supreme leader, we see almost no sign of improvement.”

Ms. Pillay said she was concerned that international attention focused almost exclusively on North Koreas nuclear programme and rocket launches, and not enough on the enforcement of human rights.

“While these, of course, are issues of enormous importance, they should not be allowed to overshadow the deplorable human rights situation, which in one way or another affects almost the entire population and has no parallel anywhere else in the world,” she said.