Tid: 24/03/2025 19:00 til 24/03/2025 21:00

Sted: Empire Bio, Guldbergsgade 29F, 2200 København

Arrangør: CPH:DOX

Film Screening: “Matabeleland” (A Story of Resilience and Justice in Zimbabwe)

How does a population confront a past of violence and repression? How do survivors fight for truth and justice decades after atrocities have been committed?

Matabeleland, a documentary by Nyasha Kadandara, premiering at CPH:DOX 2024, tells the story of Zimbabweans still seeking answers and recognition for the brutal massacres committed in the 1980s. The film is nominated for the HUMAN:RIGHTS AWARD, and captures the personal and political struggles of those demanding justice in a country where the past remains a dangerous subject.

Following the screening, Shari Eppel, director of Ukuthula Trust, will give a talk on the ongoing human rights work in Matabeleland. Ukuthula Trust has been at the forefront of supporting survivors of the genocide and advocating for accountability. The discussion will be moderated by Amanda Hammar, Professor of African Studies at the University of Copenhagen.

Venue: Empire Bio, Guldbergsgade 29F, 2200 København
Date & Time: March 24th, 7pm

We encourage those engaged in human rights, transitional justice, and development work to attend.

More information & tickets: https://cphdox.dk/film/matabeleland/