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Regulating Mining in Africa
For whose benefit?
Campbell, Bonnie (Ed.)
Discussion Papers 26
Pages: 89 pp Published: Aug 2004. ISBN: 91-7106-527-X. ISSN: 1104-8417. Price: 100 SEK/ 7.95 GBP/ 10 EURO. Paperback Size: 165 x 240 mm.
Environment, legislation, mining, mining development, mining policy, Africa
One of the main hypotheses underlying much of the discussion about extractive industries, and a central recommendation in the Report of the World Bank Groups Extractive Industries Review, is that the quality of a countrys governance is a key determinant of the development outcomes of extractive industry activities.
While the quality of national governance is undoubtedly a key ingredient, this comparative study of mining code reform in Africa seeks to demonstrate that no amount of local governance is sufficient if it is not accompanied by legal and fiscal frameworks designed to meet development objectives, and implemented in the context of good international policies and rules.
Based on five case studies (Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Madagascar, and Tanzania), the volume suggests that the reform measures introduced largely on the recommendation of multilateral financial institutions over the last twenty years have entailed a redefinition of the role of the state so profound that it is without historical precedent.
The comparative study of three generations of African mining codes concludes that past reforms have the potential to drive down standards in areas of critical importance to social and economic development, as well as to protecting the environment in the countries concerned.
The question that arises from this study is whether a country which deregulates and liberalises in order to be fully competitive in the context of evolving norms and incentives, and which respects its obligations under WTO rules, can, indeed, ensure the enforcement of environmental norms, pursue development objectives that build backward and forward linkages to resource extraction (such as value added processing of minerals), and introduce “trade balancing,” involving, if necessary, export/import restrictions to increase local content and stimulate local productive activities.
At best, the answer to this question appears to be uncertain, leading to the further question: Regulating mining – for whose benefit?
Bonnie Campbell is a professor of political economy in the Department of political science at UQAM. Bruno Sarrasin is a professor in the Departement dEtudes urbaines et touristiques at the same university. Pascale Hatcher and Ariane Lafortune are former graduate students in political science at UQAM.
The article also includes the contributions of Thomas Akabzaa, professor of Geology at the University of Ghana, Legon, and of Paula Butler, doctoral candidate at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto. Available for download.
I. Liberalisation of the Mining Sector in Africa in the 1980s
A Developmental Perspective
II. The Creation of a New Regulatory Framework for Mining in Africa in the 1990s
The World Banks Diagnostic and Recommendations
III. Mining Codes and Environmental Regulations Several African Examples
A. The first generation of reformed mining codes. Thomas Akabzaa
Mining Legislation and Net Returns from Mining in Ghana
B. The second generation of reformed mining codes. Bonnie Campbell
Guinea: Deregulation and Its Consequences for Environmental Protection
C. The third generation of african mining codes. Pascale Hatcher
Mali: Rewritting the Mining Code or Redefining the Role of the State? Bruno Sarrasin
Madagascar: A Mining Industry Caught Between Environment and Development.Paula Butler
Tanzania: Liberalisation of Investment and the Mining Sector
Analysis of the Content and Certain Implications of the Tanzania 1998 Mining Act