Nye bølger af flygtninge i DR-Congo

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Mere end 70.000 mennesker er ifølge Læger Uden Grænser blevet tvangsforflyttet i DR-Congos Equateur provins på grund af nye stridigheder, skriver IRIN News

About half of the displaced have remained inside DR Congo, taking temporary shelter in locations such as Kungu, Bokonzi, Bomboma and Bonzene, according to the Belgian branch of MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières), which conducted an assessment mission to the province.

The team found “people who had walked for up to four days to save their lives. At the end of their journey, these people are destitute, they have nothing. They live in the open, or in makeshift shelters, or schools or churches, or with host families. The injured cannot get treatment because it’s too expensive and they fled with nothing,” MSF said in a statement.

“The situation is catastrophic… most people only have shelters to protect themselves against the rain and sun,” said Ndalla.

“The needs are enormous. While we have not yet seen an epidemic as such, there has been an increase in cases of malaria, some cases of diarrhoea, respiratory infections and dermatitis among children,” he said.

The latest influx was the result of an attack on the DR Congo village of Buburu on Saturday night, according to the field coordinator of Médecins d’Afrique, an NGO that is working with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).