Nye tibetanske protester mod Kina

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Indenfor et år har 25 tibetanere nu sat ild til sig selv i protest mod angivelig kinesisk undertrykkelse af deres kultur, sprog og religion.

Several hundred Tibetans have protested against Chinese rule in the western province of Qinghai after a monk there set himself alight, rights groups say according to BBC online Wednesday.

The Tibetan monk set fire to himself outside a monastery in the town of Tongren, Free Tibet and the International Campaign for Tibet said. He suffered burns but is thought to have survived.

In the past year more than 25 Tibetans have self-immolated in protest at what they say is religious repression. Some were reported to have called for the return of the Dalai Lama to Tibet.

Self-immolations are rarely reported from Qinghai, although several people have set themselves alight there in the past year. Most such incidents have taken place in the neighbouring province of Sichuan.

Free Tibet says about 500 monks gathered to show their solidarity for the monk and they were joined by people from the surrounding area.

The campaign group says there were also protests by hundreds of Tibetan students in three schools in the area, some calling for freedom to study in Tibetan.

Tibet has been occupied by China siden 1950.