UNDPs – FNs udviklingsprogram – årlige Human Development Report 2014 udkom i juli. 20 august præsenteres den i FN-byen i Københavns af chefen for Danida, Martin Bille Hermann, og den danske UNDP-afdelingschef Jens Wandel.
Presentation of UNDP’s Human Development Report 2014 by the State Secretary for Development Policy, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Martin Bille Hermann, and UN Assistant-Secretary-General/UNDP Bureau Director Jens Wandel.
While it is positive to note that poverty has been halved since 1990, the Human Development Report this year points out that 2,2 billion people continue to live in or close to poverty. To combat poverty and sustain already achieved development results in the long term require reduction of human vulnerabilities and more resilient societies.
The Report unfolds the concept of vulnerability and analyses its main causes. Based on this analysis the report presents a number of concrete policy recommendations that could help reduce different types of vulnerabilities and in turn build more resilient societies.
As the negotiations for the next global development agenda are about to begin, the concepts of human vulnerabilities and resilience are central to any discussion about sustainable development.
The HDR 2014 provides an important contribution to this debate. Join the presentation of the report in Denmark on 20 August 2014 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in the UN City.
15:00 Arrival and registration
15:15 Welcome remarks by Camilla Brückner, Director, UNDP Nordic Representation Office
15:20 Speech by Martin Bille Hermann, State Secretary for Development Policy, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15:40 Presentation of the report by Jens Wandel, UN Assistant-Secretary –General / UNDP Bureau Director
16:10 Q&A 16:25 Closing remarks by Camilla Brückner
Time and place: Wednesday 20 August 15:00-16:30 Auditorium 1, UN City, Marmorvej 51, 2100 Copenhagen
The event will be held in English
For participation, please register on: http://HDR2014.eventbrite.com
For further information: Mette Fjalland, UNDP’s Nordic Office, mette.fjalland@undp.org, phone: 5183-6228.
Download Human Development Report 2014 (PDF, 239 sider) og læs mere om rapporten her.