World Faced With Growing Instability, Violence: Think Tank
Rising food and energy prices, water scarcity, climate change and increasing migrations could fuel growing instability and violence around the world over the next decade, a report by a global think tank said Tuesday.
But despite its grim forecast, the 2008 State of the Future report by the Millennium Project insists that “advances in science, technology, education, economics and management seem capable of making the world work far better than it does today”.
The report pointed to estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) that 37 countries were facing a food crisis due to higher demand from rapidly developing countries, higher oil prices, use of crops as biofuels, high fertilizer costs and market speculation.
The report also warned that the world will need 50 percent more food by 2013 and twice as much within 30 years, which will require more water, land and fertilizer. …
It recommended new farming approaches such as better rain-fed agriculture and irrigation management, genetic engineering for higher-yielding crops, precision agriculture and aquaculture and drought-tolerant varieties.
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