MSF-pres giver resultat: Ny aids-medicin til u-landene
Det amerikanske medicinalfirma Abbott Laboratories har givet efter for internationalt pres og indvilget i at sælge en ny varmeresistent aids-medicin,…
5. juni 2006 | Afrika -
Aids-ur tikker igen
The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) has relaunched its AIDS Clock, an exhibit that has been counting the relentless toll of…
24. maj 2006 -
WHO-chef begraves onsdag – hyldes for sin indsats mod aids
The funeral of Lee Jong-wook, Director-General of the UN World Health Organization (WHO), who suddenly died on Monday, will take…
23. maj 2006 -
4 foretagender mere ind i kampen mod hiv/aids
LONDON, May 22: Four leading companies pledged to do more in the fight against AIDS in Africa on Monday, in…
23. maj 2006 -
Aids-aktivister chokeret over Kenyas præsidentfrue
HIV/Aids activists in Kenya have been shocked by the first ladys comments that young people had “no business” using condoms,…
21. maj 2006 -
Dommer underkender, at Bush-regeringen tvinger NGOer til at makke ret for at få aids-penge
Washington, May 18: A US federal judge Thursday barred the Bush administration from requiring nonprofit AIDS groups to sign a…
19. maj 2006 -
Socialdemokraterne: 1 milliard kr. mod aids i u-landene over 4 år
Socialdemokraterne vil afsætte 1 milliard kroner over de næste 4 år for at fremme seksuel og reproduktiv sundhed i u-landene.…
11. maj 2006 | Afrika -
Mette-Marit ind i aids-kampen
11 April: The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) has announced that Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mette-Marit of…
2. maj 2006 -
Nyt studie: Ikke nær så mange aids-ofre i Afrika som frygtet
KIGALI, Rwanda: Researchers said nearly two decades ago that this tiny country was part of an AIDS Belt stretching across…
7. april 2006 | Afrika -
Lovforslag fra Demokraterne i Senatet mod Bush-regeringens krav om afholdenhed for aids-penge
US senator Dianne Feinstein of California outlined plans Tuesday for legislation to ensure that affected nations receiving US funds through…
6. april 2006