Nyt globalt brand – Product Red – skal hjælpe Afrika mod aids-svøben
Rock star Bono has launched a new global brand, Product Red, with a share of profits to go to the…
26. januar 2006 | Afrika -
MSFs måde at sikre bæredygtighed i sine aids-behandlingsprogrammer
MAPUTO, 17 Jan. (IRIN/PLUSNEWS): In a bid to ensure the sustainability of its antiretroviral (ARV) treatment programme in Mozambique, the…
18. januar 2006 -
UNESCO og tunge erhvervsdrenge i pagt mod aids
The head of the UN cultural agency and the President of the Global Business Coalition (GBC) on HIV/AIDS Monday in…
16. januar 2006 -
Clinton-fond forhandler sig til lavere behandlingspriser mod aids
Former President Bill Clinton announced Thursday that his foundation has negotiated lower prices on AIDS tests and on two important…
12. januar 2006 -
Ny rapport: Aids tager kvælertag på børns skolegang
Alverdens klasseværelser udgør en vital kilde til at nå børn og unge med livsvigtig information og viden til undgå at…
3. januar 2006 | Afrika -
Ny stor aids-konference i denne uge i Afrika
Abuja, Nigeria, 5 Dec.: One week before finance and trade ministers gather in Hong Kong for pivotal World Trade Organization…
5. december 2005 | Afrika -
Brasilien vil uddele en milliard gratis kondomer i 2006 i kampen mod aids
Brazil says it plans to distribute a billion free condoms next year as part of its fight against HIV and…
2. december 2005 | Amerika -
MSF om aids og Danida: Mindre langsigtet bistand, mere akut indsats
Danmarks politik om bekæmpelse af aids i u-landene bygger på en langsigtet udviklingsstrategi, der ikke tager højde for, at aids…
2. december 2005 | Afrika -
EU siger fra overfor brug af seksuel afholdenhed som middel mod aids
Europe, led by the UK, has signalled a major split with the United States over curbing the AIDS pandemic in…
2. december 2005 -
Verdensbanken: Ny plan mod aids
Money is available, treatment is better and much of the mystery is gone from prevention, treatment and care of AIDS.
2. december 2005