Studie: Måske dobbelt så mange ramt af malaria som hidtil troet
The number of malaria cases worldwide may be close to double that previously estimated, according to a new tally of…
10. marts 2005 -
Dyrere behandling bremser malaria-bekæmpelse
Danidas månedsavis, UDVIKLING, bringer i februar-nummeret denne artikel, som venligst er stillet til rådighed for 10-dobling af prisen på…
2. marts 2005 -
Nye donationer fra global fond mod aids, tuberkulose og malaria
The Board of the Geneva-based Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Tuesday approved renewed funding worth up to…
15. februar 2005 -
EU advarer Uganda mod at bruge DDT til malaria-bekæmpelse – kan påvirke eksporten til Europa
The European Union has cautioned Uganda against the use of an organic pollutant to control malaria, commonly known as DDT,…
9. februar 2005 -
Vil arrangere Live Aid koncert mod malaria
Afrikanske rockstjerner vil arrangere en koncert i marts i Senegal, der skal minde om Live Aid-koncerten i 1985.
7. februar 2005 | Afrika -
WHO i alarm: Verden vil mangle halvdelen af de nødvendige medicindoser mod den mest dødbringende malaria-variant i 2005
Only half the 60 million doses of medicine needed next year to fight the deadliest form of malaria are likely…
22. december 2004 -
Afrikansk appel om at tanke global fond mod hiv/aids, malaria og tuberkulose op
Three African heads of state appealed to rich countries on Wednesday to continue funding the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS,…
18. november 2004 | Afrika -
Før Band Aid-weekenden: Sult og underernæring dræber flere end aids, tuberkulose og malaria tilsammen
On the 20th anniversary of the Band Aid single, which is being re-recorded this weekend, it is worth remembering that…
12. november 2004 -
WHO advarer om mangel på malaria-medicin og foreslår alternativer
As increasing demand for artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for malaria is likely to result in a shortage in the next…
9. november 2004 -
EU vil fordoble indsatsen mod hiv/aids, malaria og tuberkulose
The European Commission is determined to redouble its efforts to fight HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis in developing countries, reports the…
2. november 2004