Tibetansk blogger i husarrest – kan ikke modtage stor hollandsk pris

Forfatter billede

Den tibetanske forfatter og blogger Tsering Woeser har siden onsdag været holdt i husarrest i sit hjem i Beijing, skriver Politiken mandag.

Hun skulle have modtaget Prince Claus-prisen på den hollandske ambassade i torsdags, men de kinesiske myndigheder forhindrede hende i at deltage, oplyser Prince Claus-fonden på sin hjemmeside.

Bloggeren skulle hædres for sin indsats for “alle tavse og undertrykte”, ikke mindst under demonstrationer mod det kommunistiske et-partistyre i 2008.

Her skildrede Tsering Woeser dagligt de mange overgreb mod menneskerettighederne, og hendes blog blev en af de centrale informationskilder for omverdenen.

Styret i Beijng føler sig i forvejen trængt internatio-nalt af flere end 20 tibetanske selvbrændere.

Det er fortrinsvis buddhistiske munke, der har sat ild til sig selv i protest mod det kinesiske overherredømme i bjerglandet, som har været besat siden 1950.

Pressemeddelelsen fra fonden:

The Prince Claus Funds regrets that Tsering Woeser is denied the opportunity to receive the 2011 Prince Claus Award from the hands of the Dutch Ambassador in China today.

Tsering Woeser is a courageous Tibetan writer whose work offers unique perspectives on the complexity of present-day Tibet. According to Christa Meindersma, director of the Prince Claus Fund: “the fact that Tsering Woeser is not free to leave her home and freely express herself, demonstrates once again the importance of her voice.”

Tsering Woeser, a 2011 Prince Claus Laureate, made public via Twitter that she cannot leave her home in Beijing to receive the Prince Claus Award. Her husband and friends were also warned not to attend the ceremony.

According to her tweets, Tsering Woeser has been placed under house arrest for one month and police are stationed downstairs in her apartment building. Tsering Woeser would have been presented the Prince Claus Award tonight by the Ambassador Bekink during a private ceremony at his residence.

Tsering Woeser is presented the 2011 Prince Claus Award

* “for her courage in speaking for those who are silenced and oppressed,
* for her compelling combination of literary quality and political reportage,
* for recording, articulating and supporting Tibetan culture, and
* for her active commitment to self-determination, freedom and development in Tibet”.

In response to the granting of the Prince Claus Award Woeser said in interviews that the award offers protection.

Through the Prince Claus Awards, the Fund annually honors eleven cultural pioneers: courageous and engaged people who stand up for their ideas and who are an inspiration for others.

At this moment, the safety of Tsering Woeser and her family are the Prince Claus Fund’s first priority.

Se også www.princeclausfund.org/en

Den tysk-fødte Prins Claus af Holland, gift med Dronning Beatrix, var royal andenviolin, men alligevel et af de mest populære medlemmer af det hollandske kongehus

Da han blev 70 i 1996 oprettede han Prins Claus Fonden for Kultur og Udvikling. Han døde i 2002.