Uanset censuren priser musikere deres tibetanske hjemland

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Kommentar af Dechen Pemba

Tibetanske kunstnere træder en hårfin balancegang, når de udtrykker deres kærlighed til hjemlandet i skyggen af streng kinesisk censur – på beslaglagt CD synges der om “Sejr til Guderne! Sejr for Tibet!”, fremgår det af censurbekæmperen Freemuses website onsdag.  

Gebey, a Tibetan singer who had been detained at the end of May 2014 following a live performance in Ngaba Prefecture, eastern Tibet, has been released from detention. 

Gebey (sometimes spelled Gaybay or Gepey) has chosen a dangerous profession in Tibet – he has been arrested and re-arrested for his music many times in recent years.

According to Radio Free Asia following the release of his album in October 2012, Gebey went into hiding to avoid contact with the police after “Chinese authorities […] banned and confiscated a recording he released that year which was deemed to contain nationalist themes”.

Victory to the Gods! Victory to Tibet!
Today, victory to an auspicious (lykkebringende) day!
Today, wish-fulfilling day, victory to Tibet!
For the reunification of Tibetans, home and abroad, victory to us!

From ‘Victory to Tibet’ by Gebey

The size of Western Europe, without a single foreign journalist

Tibet, which has been under Chinese control for over 60 years, has seen large scale uprisings against Chinese rule as recently as in 2008.

These, combined with ongoing self-immolations (selvafbrændinger) which have taken place all over Tibet as a form of political protest since 2009, have resulted in frequent heavy military lockdowns and routine blocks on communications.

Tibet is an area the size of Western Europe, without a single foreign journalist stationed, no diplomatic representations, restricted access to tourists, no free media, and heavily censored internet.

Even though China officially only refers to the area of central Tibet as Tibet Autonomous Region, Tibetan areas that are now integrated into the Chinese provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan are often the epicentres of resistance to Chinese rule.

Even so, censorship and imprisonment of cultural figures extends to all areas of Tibet.

It is amongst this backdrop that the singers, artists, and writers in Tibet today have to work.

Despite all of these restrictions, Tibetan cultural expression is flourishing today. Gebey is just one example of an impressive output of new songs, singers, music videos and live performances.

Separatist activities”

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Artiklen er dateret 9. juli 2014.

Freemuse – Freedom of Musical Expression – er en international NGO, der bekæmper musikcensur. Den har verdenssekretariat i København.