UNESCO lancerer ny hjemmeside til støtte for ytringsfrihed

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Med FN’s specifikke mandat til at promovere “the free flow of ideas by word and image” har FNs Organisation for Uddannelse, Videnskab og Kultur (UNESCO) lanceret ny hjemmeside til at understøtte 15 ekstraordinære projekter for øget ytringsfrihed.

PARIS, 14 February 2014 (UNESCO): Promoting an enabling environment for freedom of expression in the Arab region. Building capacity of mass media institutions in Burma. Supporting media accountability in South East Europe and Turkey.

These are just a few of the many projects UNESCO is leading worldwide thanks to voluntary contributions from development partners in support of freedom of expression.

In order to enhance visibility for these and other extrabudgetary projects, UNESCO has created a new website: “Working with Development Partners to Promote Freedom of Expression”.

Integrated into UNESCO’s main website, the new website provides information about 15 extrabudgetary projects whose descriptions can be accessed by beneficiary country, development partner and project title. The website also contains related news articles, publications and multimedia resources.

“Development partners have been critical in strengthening the impact of UNESCO’s work in promoting freedom of expression at the national, regional and global levels,” said Sylvie Coudray, Chief of Section for Freedom of Expression, adding:

“We look forward to continuing our work with partners to advance our shared goals to enhance press freedom and freedom of expression worldwide in the months and years to come.”

Besøg UNESCO’s nye hjemmeside: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/freedom-of-expression/extrabudgetary-projects-on-freedom-of-expression/