Afrika skal have en større andel af den globale økonomi

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Afrikanske lande og deres samarbejdspartnere skal blive bedre til at fremme internationale investeringer og dermed sætte skub i Afrikas udvikling, fremhæver FNs generalsekretær, Ban Ki-moon, på international konference om Afrikas udvikling og investeringer

TOKYO 3. June 2013 (UN News Service): To open the way for progress, African countries must adopt proactive policies, and their partners must help forge an enabling international environment, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Monday told a panel in Tokyo on investment and development.

Speaking at the fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V), Mr. Ban urged better integration of Africa into the global economy to diversity the continent’s economies and make them more resilient, during a panel chaired by World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, on ‘private sector, trade and investment as engines of development’.

“Responsible foreign investment holds more potential for Africa than any other source of development capital, including official development assistance,” Mr. Ban said.

Africa’s share in global foreign direct investment flows is around 3.5 per cent, he noted, while most of the continent’s trade and investment are focus on a limited number of commodities exported to a limited number of destinations.

“It is important to complete the Doha Trade Round and ensure that African companies have access to major markets,” urged Mr. Ban noting the ongoing negotiations under the umbrella of the UN-supported World Trade Organization (WTO), and the critical need to address non-tariff barriers.

He also urged opportunities for trade beyond traditional markets, particularly among emerging economies, and a greater focus on intra-African trade among the African Union members.

“We also need to address the crippling lack of infrastructure. Energy, transportation and communications systems are essential to functioning business,” Mr. Ban said, highlighting the importance of investors and entrepreneurs in realizing the continent’s “green growth.”

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