EU forbruger mere og mere regnskovs-ødelæggende palmeolie

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Europæiske bilister tvinges til at fylde tanken med stadig mere palmeolie, selvom det betyder skovrydning og tab af biodiversitet i Sydøstasien. Det viser en ny rapport fra International Institute of Sustainable Development og Friends of the Earth Europe.

This study by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) for Friends of the Earth Europe finds that Europe’s drivers are being forced to fill their tanks with increasing amounts of palm oil, with reliance on the controversial biofuel set to rise even further.

According to the data, palm oil use has increased much more than predicted and now stands at 20% of the biodiesel mix.

The EU consumes 40% more palm oil (for food, fuel and cosmetics) today compared to 6 years ago, despite continual warnings about the unsustainability of palm oil expansion.

Palm oil associated with deforestation, wildlife loss and community conflicts, and is accelerating climate change. The findings put more pressure on the EU to put a halt to increasing biofuels.

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