FAO: Hvor er børnearbejde mest udbredt? I landbruget såmænd

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I mange u-lande sendes børn i fem-års alderen ud at vogte kvæg og andre mindreårige benyttes til allehånde daglige gøremål i millioner af småbønders daglige bedrift – men hvordan komme det til livs uden at skade forældrenes næring og udbytte.

ROME, 25 February 2013 (UN News Service): Governments, farmer organizations and rural families must all be involved to eliminate child labour in the livestock (kvægbrugs) sector, which is a widespread and largely ignored practice, according to a United Nations report released Monday.

The report, “Children’s work in the livestock sector: Herding and beyond”, found that agriculture accounts for most of the reported child labour in the world, with livestock accounting for some 40 per cent of the agricultural economy.

There have been global efforts to tackle child labour in agriculture.

But the report, produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), argues that the livestock sector has received much less attention. In some parts of the world, children start herding at a young age, ranging from five to seven years old.

“Reducing child labour in agriculture is not only an issue of human rights, it is also part of the quest (søgen) for truly sustainable rural development and food security,” said the Assistant Director-General in charge of FAO’s Economic and Social Development Department, Jomo Sundaram.

“Child labour strikes at the heart of decent employment opportunities for young people, especially when it interferes with their formal schooling.”

The report notes that livestock is at least a partial source of income to 800 million rural poor who live on less than one US dollar (5,5 DKR) a day, and stresses the importance of being able to find alternatives to child labour without negatively affecting the livelihoods of these people.

“The growing importance of livestock in agriculture means that efforts to reduce child labour will need to focus more on the factors that lead to harmful or hazardous (farefulde) work for children in that sector, while respecting and protecting the livelihoods of poor rural families,” Mr. Sundaram said.

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