FN’s vurderering af klimabidrag: Positive tendenser – men kloden er ikke reddet endnu

Thomas Jazrawi

BERLIN, 30 October 2015: An unprecedented world-wide effort is underway to combat climate change, building confidence that nations can cost effectively meet their stated objective of keeping a global temperature rise to under 2 degree C.

A report released today by the UNFCCC secretariat, assessing the collective impact of over 140 national climate action plans, indicates that together they can dramatically slow global emissions into the atmosphere. Another key finding is that the aggregate impact of the “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions" (INDCs) will lead to a fall in per capita emissions over the coming 15 years.

The final full document "Synthesis report on the aggregate effect of the intended nationally determined contributions" can be accessed here. The report along with all other related documents and information can be found on the UNFCCC website Synthesis Report page. 

“These INDCs–or national climate action plans–represent a clear and determined down-payment on a new era of climate ambition from the global community of nations. Governments from all corners of the Earth have signalled through their INDCs that they are determined to play their part according to their national circumstances and capabilities,” said Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

“Fully implemented these plans together begin to make a significant dent in the growth of greenhouse gas emissions: as a floor they provide a foundation upon which ever higher ambition can be built. I am confident that these INDCs are not the final word in what countries are ready to do and achieve over time–the journey to a climate safe-future is underway and the Paris agreement to be inked in Paris can confirm, and catalyze that transition,” she added.

Lidt længere nede i pressemeddelelsen kan man finde følgende betragtninger om de ventede temperaturstigninger:

“The INDCs have the capability of limiting the forecast temperature rise to around 2.7 degrees Celsius by 2100, by no means enough but a lot lower than the estimated four, five, or more degrees of warming projected by many prior to the INDCs,” said Ms. Figueres.

The secretariat report does not directly assess implications for
temperature change by the end of the century under the INDCs because
information on emissions beyond 2030 is required.

Læs videre her: http://newsroom.unfccc.int/unfccc-newsroom/indc-synthesis-report-press-release/

Hent rapporten her: http://unfccc.int/focus/indc_portal/items/9240.php