Guldgravere retter blodigt anslag mod isoleret indianerstamme

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Den angivelige massakre fandt sted i juli på et så isoleret sted, at det har taget længe om at bringe nyheden ud til omverdenen fra Venezuela – indianerne står i vejen for stærke interesser, der vil udnytte deres skove og jagtrevirer.

Goldminers in Venezuela have carried out a ‘massacre’ of isolated Yanomami Indians, according to reports received by Survival International, the international NGO writes on its website Wednesday.

Witnesses of the aftermath described finding ‘burnt bodies and bones’ when they visited the community of Irotatheri in the country’s Momoi region, close to the border with Brazil.

Initial reports suggest up to 80 people have been killed, but these numbers are impossible to confirm. Only three survivors have been found.

The attack is believed to have happened in July, but news is only just emerging.

Due to the community’s remote location, it took the Indians who discovered the bodies days to walk to the nearest settlement to report the slaughter.

Luis Shatiwe Yanomami, a leader of the Yanomami organisation Horonami, was in Parima and spoke to the Indians about what they saw. He heard how those who survived had been hunting at the time the community’s communal house (store fælleshus, hvor alle bor, red.) was set alight.

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Begynd fra: “He told Survival today, ‘For three years we have….”