Ny dokumentar på vej om mode, bomuld og selvmord

Forfatter billede

En ny dokumentarfilm, ‘Dirty White Gold,’ undersøger, hvorfor 300.000 indiske landmænd har begået selvmord siden 1995. Filmen er lavet af amerikanske Leah Borromeo, som viser, hvordan mode og billig bomuld er forbundet med menneskelige tragedier. Det mulitinationale selskab Monsanto, der sælger såsæd og pesticider og omtaler sig selv som bæredygtig, går ikke fri for at have en stor finger med i spillet.

DIRTY WHITE GOLD: The journey starts with nearly 300.000 Indian farmers who have killed themselves to escape debt. At one point, up to 26 per day.

They are the price we pay for cheap cotton – trapped in a cycle of debt, brought about as a result of the industrialisation of their livelihoods. Some kill themselves by drinking the pesticides with which they farm.

At the heart of the film will be the human stories of the people who work the fields to form the threads of our moral fibre. We will ask “when you bag a bargain, who pays for it?”

En film om modens ofre

Documentary journalist and troublemaker Leah Borromeo is making a film about fashion and its real victims.

She is on a mission – she wants to make ethics and sustainability in the fashion industry the norm, not the exception, by making the supply chain transparent. And she is on a journey to find out how to make this a reality.

Fra frø til butik

Leah will follow the thread (tråd) of our clothing from seed to shop – from farmers to brokers and bankers to the factories and manufacturers through to the labels we love to wear.

She will show the environmental and social impact of the intense use of pesticides, will engage in the debate around genetically modified seed, investigate the concept of fair trade, explore the viability of organic cotton and probe the structures that make the rich rich and the poor poor.

She will emphasise the need for traceability and accountability in the fashion industry.

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