Trænings-workshop om værdikæder for småproducenter

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images
Forfatter billede

Hvordan kan u-landenes mange småproducenter øge deres ofte magre udkomme? Er de såkaldte værdikæder et middel? Hvordan håndterer man dem i bistandsarbejdet? Og hvordan er koblingen mellem NGOerne og det kommercielle marked?

Det er emnet for en træningsworkshop over tre dage, “How to work with Value Chains”, som finder sted d. 20, 21, 22 november hos BØRNEfonden, Otto Mønsteds Gade 5 i København.

Arrangøren skriver om workshoppen i en rundsendelse:

Danish Forum for Microfinance invites for a three-day training workshop with the aim to familiarise Danish NGOs with the value chain approach and the roles they and their partners in the South can play in relation to the market – especially for inclusion of poor and disadvantaged small producers.

The training will be followed up through a network group and individual advice, FREE OF CHARGE.

The value chain approach (VCA) has in recent years gained ground among donors and NGOs, especially as a means to promote poverty alleviating economic growth.

Many approaches

There are different philosophies and perspectives on how to work with value chains.

Some approaches look at the chain from the end-users’ perspective, some from that of the producers of the initial raw material that goes into the chain. Others again look for dynamic actors in the middle of the chain that can unlock bottlenecks in the chain.

The value chain approach from whatever perspective is not only about prices between actors, but about the whole market system in which the chain functions.

This training workshop is facilitated by Practical Action (PA) – a British NGO with years of experience to ensure small producers inclusion in markets and resulting increase in earnings. The workshop is based on PA’s Participatory Market Systems Development.

Through case studies, discussions and mapping exercises the participants will be able to analyze and better understand how markets function, the complexity and potential conflicts between market players and the bottlenecks for small producers.

Manuals and tools will be made available to share with South partners and participants will be introduced to an online platform (MaFI) where actors meet from all over the world.

The workshop will highlight what role Danish NGOs and their partners in the South can play in projects that adopt a value chain approach. It will finally explore how the value chain approach links up to the Danish civil society strategy. The workshop is conducted in English


Registration must be done to by 10 November 2013.

Price – 300 kr. for DFM members and 500 kr. for non-members – includes lunch, coffee and snacks all three course days.

Timetable (tentative) – see

Se også Christian Sørensens kommentarer i telegrammerne