Ældre nonne voldtaget af seks mænd i Indien – kristne protester

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Den 74-årige nonne blev voldtaget i delstaten West Bengalen efter at gerningsmændene havde stjålet penge fra en klosterskole i byen Ranaghat og senere trængte ind i selve klosteret, som de vandaliserede, skriver BBC online lørdag. 

The nun is now recovering in hospital. Christian groups have recently held protests in the Indian capital, Delhi, saying they are being targeted and demanding better protection.

The Archbishop of Calcutta, Thomas d’Souza, said that security cameras inside the Convent of Jesus and Mary School show the faces of the six men who carried out the assault.

“There are only three Sisters in the community. One sister was molested badly. The other two, and a guard, were tied to chairs”, he said.

The men vandalised the chapel, broke open the tabernacle and took away the ciborium, the sacred vessel used during Mass.

The school is well-known and has been open for 19 years, he added. The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, has condemned the incident.

The attack comes at a time of growing concern about sexual violence against women and there has been increased media reporting of rapes and assaults.

Christian groups highlight a series of recent attacks by vandals on churches in Delhi.