Avis: Nordkorea skyder 80 dødsdømte borgere på én gang

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Nordkorea har henrettet 80 dødsdømte på én og samme dag, skriver den sydkoreanske avis, “JoongAng Ilbo” ifølge gratisavisen Metroxpress tirsdag. De blev skudt d. 3. november ved offentlige henrettelser, fremgår det af oplysninger, der er sivet ud fra det tillukkede kommunistiske diktatur.

De 80 henrettede havde angiveligt forbrudt sig mod loven ved bl.a. at have set sydkoreanske film, distribueret pornografi og drevet prostitution.

Samtidig har chefen for FNs særundersøgelse af Nordkoreas menneskeretssituation hørt vidnesbyrd om så gruopvækkende overgreb, at det bragte ham på grådens rand.

Michael Kirby, a retired judge, said the inquiry had “copious evidence (rigelige beviser)” of rights abuses in North Korea, writes BBC online.

During the inquiry’s hearings, eyewitnesses described systematic torture, starvation and executions.

Some of the atrocities reported included a woman forced to drown her own baby; children imprisoned from birth and starved; and families tortured for watching a foreign soap opera (underholdningsshow i TV).

Kim Song-ju, a North Korean defector, told about the torture he experienced in a detention camp.

“The North Korean prison guards were telling us that once you get to this prison you are not human, you are just like animals,” he said.

North Korea describes the inquiry as “a political plot” and has not given investigators access to the country.

The inquiry is the UN’s first-ever human rights investigation into North Korea. The UN panel interviewed witnesses in South Korea, Japan, the US and the UK. It will submit a final report to the UN in March 2014.

“Some of the testimony (vidnesbyrd) has been extremely distressing,” Mr Kirby, a judge with experience of 35 years, said.

“There have been a number of testimonies which have moved me to tears,” he said.