Burmas general Than Shwe udsender advarsel før valg

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Burmas militære leder, Than Shwe, har opfordret folk til at gøre, hvad han kaldte for ‘de rigtige valg’, når valghandlinger afholdes senere i 2010. Generalen kom med sine udtalelser i en besked, der skulle markere Burmas Uafhængighedsdag, skriver BBC World mandag.

RANGOON: Than Shwe did not spell out exactly what he meant by “correct choices”, but many in Burma will interpret his comments as an implicit warning.

A date for the elections has not been set, but it will be the first in Burma since the National League for Democracy (NLD), led by the detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, won a landslide victory in 1990. It was a result the military leadership refused to recognise – and the NLD was never allowed to take power.

The NLD has not said whether it intends to contest this year’s poll, but in its own Independence Day statement, the party appealed for what it called transparent and sincere dialogue towards national reconciliation. It also referred to the growing divide between rich and poor in Burma, and said that the majority of people were suffering.

– BBC World writes on Monday