Kentucky Fried Chicken dropper indonesisk regnskovsødelæggelse

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Barbie. LEGO. Disney. De har det tilfælles, at de har droppet al handel med den berygtede virksomhed Asia Pulp and Paper, der er kendt for ødelæggelse af den indonesiske regnskov. Nu følger Kentucky Fried Chicken i England i samme spor.

LONDON, October 30, 2012: Great news! We’ve gained an important win in protecting Indonesia’s rainforests as KFC UK & Ireland commit to excluding suppliers actively involved in rainforest clearance, writes Greenpeace UK on their homepage Tuesday.

And this fantastic win would not have been possible without you.

A Greenpeace investigation released earlier this year found KFC using packaging paper produced by Asia Pulp & Paper, a company that continues to pulp Indonesian rainforest. Following this, hundreds of thousands of you took action to tell KFC to pull up their socks, whether by email, phone, Twitter, Facebook or by petition. Your voice has made this issue impossible to ignore and we are starting to see the result with KFC UK & Ireland at last taking action.

This encouraging new commitment means KFC UK & Ireland will stop using paper supplied by Asia Pulp & Paper, a company that continues to pulp Indonesian rainforest.

Importantly, it also sends a message to these companies that if they continue to use rainforest and tiger habitat to make paper, they will continue to lose customers.

But the champagne must stay on ice for the time being. KFC UK & Ireland is just one of the 100+ countries that KFC, and their parent company Yum! Brands operate in.

We need to keep the pressure on bosses at Yum!’s HQ in the US so that they follow in KFC UK & Ireland’s footsteps. They must introduce a global policy to rule out companies like APP who are actively involved in rainforest clearance.

One way to do that is to send a message to the KFC Board of Directors, the one group that KFC boss, David Novak, must listen to. We are asking David Novak to make similar commitments to KFC UK & Ireland and rule out suppliers that are actively clearing rainforests.

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