NGO: Milliarder og atter milliarder af oliepenge “forsvundet” i Angola

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Et ufatteligt beløb i et u-land mistænkes at være havnet hos nogle få personer i en af Afrikas potentielt rigeste stater, hvor de fleste lever i armod.

WASHINGTON, 17th January, 2012: The Angolan government cannot account for tens of billions of dollars in public funds, and it needs to explain what happened to that money.

The people of Angola have a right to know, according to the watchdog Human Rights Watch.

The government in Luanda should publicly disclose its efforts to trace tens of billions of dollars in missing public funds apparently connected to the state oil company, Sonangol, Human Rights Watch said Tuesday in an open letter to the African oil-country’s finance minister.

In December 2011, the International Monetary Fund reported that there was an unexplained 32 billion (milliarder) US dollar discrepancy (uoverensstem-melse/forskel) in the Angolan government’s accounts from 2007 through 2010.

(Beløbene, der ikke er gjort rede for i regnskaberne, modsvarer en samlet sum af et tusind 760 milliarder danske kroner)

The Human Rights Watch letter follows a news release issued on December 20. Despite media inquiries in recent weeks, the Angolan government has declined to comment on the matter.

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