Organtransplantationer fra henrettede fanger udfordrer menneskerettigheder

Forfatter billede

Transplantation af organer i Kina er steget kraftigt i antal de sidste 20 år. I det medicinske tidsskrift The Lancet protesterer en gruppe forskere nu mod Kinas stigende salg af organer fra henrettede fanger.

Forskergruppen, der består af bioetikere og læger, mener, at Kina krænker menneskerettighederne, når fangers organer sælges, uden at den henrettede har givet samtykke. Gruppen ønsker, at kinesiske forskere fremover udelukkes fra forskningssamarbejde og konferencer omkring organdonation indtil Kina åbner øjnene fra de etiske udfordringer de står overfor.

”Despite the continuation of organ donation by execution, the international medical and scientific community has done little to make its moral abhorrence of this state of affairs widely known.

Presentations about transplantation in China continue to be made at international conferences, publications about the experience of transplantation in China appear in peer-reviewed journals, and pharmaceutical companies continue their marketing efforts and engage in sponsoring research involving various aspects of transplantation in China.

The time has come to bring normal scientific and medical interchange with China concerning transplantation to a halt. We call for a boycott on accepting papers at meetings, publishing papers in journals, and cooperating on research related to transplantation unless it can be verified that the organ source is not an executed prisoner. These steps are admittedly challenging.

But the international biomedical community must firmly and boldly challenge the status quo—the barbarous practice of obtaining organs from executed prisoners.”

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