Overblik: Verdens største flygtningekrise = millioner af afghanere

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Under 30 års krig og konflikt er 10 millioner afghanere flygtet, og selv om mange er vendt hjem igen, befinder millioner sig stadig i andre lande, vurderer FN.

KABUL, 27 February 2012 (IRIN) – The government of Afghanistan and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) are seeking endorsement of a new strategy which aims to provide sustainable solutions to the largest and most protracted refugee crisis in the world.

Over the last 30 years of war in Afghanistan at least 10 million people fled. Many have since returned but millions of Afghans remain outside their country, including about 2,7 million registered as refugees in Iran and Pakistan, and an estimated 2,4 – 3,4 million others in the two countries “illegally”.

Even where conflict has subsided in their home country, many Afghans have chosen not to return because of a lack of services and development. The Afghan government admits it does not have the capacity to re-integrate many returning refugees.

Over the years, Pakistan and Iran have used these refugees as a “whipping boy” for their tense relations with the Afghan government.

And “these people are caught in between” – used as a pawn (skakbrik) to pressure Kabul and Washington, said Candace Rondeaux, senior analyst with the International Crisis Group in Afghanistan.

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