OXFAM advarer: Hungersnød rammer Afghanistan om to måneder

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Næsten 3 millioner afghanere oplever fødeknaphed på grund af tørke. Den store britiske NGO OXFAM advarede tirsdag donorer og regeringer om, at situationen vil udvikle sig til hungersnød, hvis der ikke handles nu.

Maden slipper op om to måneder

The drought is affecting 14 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces in the north, north-east and west of the country where 80 percent of the non-irrigated wheat crop, which people rely on for food and income, has been lost. Many people in these areas were already suffering from chronic hunger. Nearly three quarters of the people living in the affected areas say that they will run out of food in less than two months.

Vi skal lære af hungersnøden på Afrikas Horn

Asuntha Charles, head of Oxfam in Afghanistan, said:

“Governments need to wake up to the gravity of this crisis and ensure they are ready to respond before the situation gets worse. Delays will just make things harder for families already struggling to cope. The drought has completely destroyed the wheat crop in some areas.

Kvæg sælges på grund af skyhøje foderpriser

Pastures have been completely destroyed because of the drought, and the price of animal fodder in the market has quadruped so people are selling their livestock because they cannot feed them and need money to buy food for themselves. An estimated 50 percent of livestock in drought affected areas had already been sold; but the prices had fallen by 40-50 percent.