Teknologicenter under FNs klimakonvention endelig i gang

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FN har præsenteret et nyt teknologi center, som skal sætte yderligere gang i overførslen af teknologi og know-how til u-landene, som det hidtil har skortet både på penge og politisk vilje til. Hensigten er at øge fattige landes modstandsdygtighed over for effekterne af klimaforandringerne,

NAIROBI, 22 februar 2013 (UNEP): From the latest technical developments in renewable energy to innovative cropping (dyrkning) techniques, the role of technology and research in tackling climate change in developing countries is the focus of a new facility launched by the United Nations today.

Following a decision at the 2012 UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, governments meeting this week in Nairobi at the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) confirmed a UNEP-led consortium as the hosts of the Climate Technology Centre.

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) aims to speed up the transfer of climate-related technology and expertise to developing countries in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve resilience to changing weather patterns, drought, soil erosion, and other impacts of climate change. 

Der skal trækkes på allerede igangværende projekter

“Under UNEP’s leadership, the Climate Technology Centre and Network will work to accelerate the use of new technologies in improving the lives and livelihoods of millions of people in developing countries who are dealing with the impacts of climate change on a daily basis,” he added.

“The consortium partners are already engaged in some 1500 activities related to climate technologies in over 150 countries. Together, this expertise and global reach can deliver scaled-up action on mitigation and adaptation, and support the transition to an inclusive, low-carbon green economy,” said Mr. Steiner. 

The centre will become the implementing arm of the Technology Mechanism of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Læs pressemeddelelsen her: http://www.unep.org/climatechange/News/PressRelease/tabid/416/language/en-US/Default.aspx?DocumentId=2704&ArticleId=9418