Tobaksforbrug i Indonesien et massivt problem

Forfatter billede

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists har sammen med ABC News undersøgt tobakkens greb om Indonesien og konkluderer, at 200.000 indonesere årligt dør af sygdomme forårsaget af rygning. Det rapporterer iWatch News.

Trods det høje dødstal har det sydøstasiatiske land som et af de få i verden stadig ikke underskrevet den WHO-traktat, der skal begrænse tobaksindustriens indflydelse ved at forbyde tobaksreklamer og hæve afgifter.

With a population of around 240 million and weak government regulations, Indonesia is one of Big Tobacco’s smoking giants. As of 2009, 28 percent of Indonesian adults were smokers and more than half of men smoke, according to the World Lung Foundation.

Around 200.000 people die each year in Indonesia because of smoking-related sickness.

In 2006 — the last year for which survey data is available for Indonesia — the prevalence of smokers ages 13-15 was 38 percent, one of the world’s highest per-capita rates of smoking among children, iWatch News reports.