Så er programmet på plads for 7 workshops om mikro-finans – små lån til mindre bemidlede i u-landene -, som Dansk Forum for Mikrofinans holder på Copenhagen Business School (CBS = Handelshøjskolen) i juni og juli, fremgår det af en rundsendelse fra det nye samarbejdsforum mandag.
Organisationer involveret i mikrofinans kan ganske GRATIS få mulighed for at møde kapaciteter inden for mikrofinans, heriblandt 3 mikrofinans-eksperter fra Uganda og workshopleder Dr. Ron Severson fra University of Oregon.
Derudover kan man netværke og få teknisk og praktisk anvendelig rådgivning om mikrofinans. Blandt emnerne er spare lånegrupper (VSLA), partnerskaber med mikrofinans institutioner (MFIer), community development og mikrofinans, CSR, forskning og innovation.
Workshoppene henvender sig til alle, hvad enten man er nybegynder eller erfaren ud i mikrofinans. På de enkelte workshops vil deltagerne blive inddelt efter interesse og niveau, så alle får det optimale ud af processen.
Vær opmærksom på at alle work-shops holdes på engelsk.
TILMELDING skal ske til Peter Blum Samuelsen på e-mail pbs@caritas.dk
Microfinance Workshops
28 June to 15 July, 2010
Arranged by Danish Forum for Microfinance and Copenhagen Business School
Venue: CBS, Room SP114
Get hands-on advice from microfinance experts and network with microfinance actors from North and South. Those are some of the opportunities when Danish Forum for Microfinance (DFM) hosts a series of practical workshops geared towards practioners and students.
The details: The workshops will be facilitated by Dr. Ron Severson, University of Oregon, and take place at Copenhagen Business School in connection with the CBS summer graduate course in microfinance. All workshops will start with a short introduction by Dr. Ron Severson. In some cases presentations will also be given by three microfinance experts from Makerere University Business School in Uganda, who are in Denmark exclusively for the graduate course and the workshops.
After the presentations the participants will get specific advice on concrete issues, share experiences and network in smaller groups focusing on areas of special interest and level of knowledge. Both beginners and more experienced actors are welcome. The working language is English.
Participation is free. Enrollment with Peter Blum Samuelsen, DFM: pbs@caritas.dk
Workshop 1: Tuesday, June 29, 8:55-11:30. New Trends in Microfinance: Dr. Ron Severson will provide the broad international overview and Ph.D. student and chairman of DFM, Ole Dahl Rasmussen will give an introduction to current Danish research. Discussions on upcoming research.
Workshop 2: Wednesday, June 30, 14:25-17:15. New Trends in Savings and Lending Associations (informal financial services): Which tools to use when working with your South partners. Get advice on concrete issues of implementation from Dr. Ron Severson.
Workshop 3: Thursday, July 1: 8:55 – 11:30. Investing in an MFI: Assessment of an MFI, business plans and investment/funding options. How to design microfinance services within a particular context for particular purposes – variations of microfinance models.
Workshop 4: Tuesday, July 6, 8:55-11:30. Forming Umbrellas of Savings and Lending Associations (SACCOs): How to support Savings and Lending Associations moving towards SACCOs, monitoring SACCO’s financially and technically, assessing their capacity.
Workshop 5: Thursday July 8, 11:40-14:15: Collaboration with MFI’s: Get the best possible collaboration with your partner MFI. Opportunities and threats, governance issues, ways to improve accountability, monitoring and transparency. Measuring financial and social outcomes.
Workshop 6: Tuesday, July 13, 8:55-11:30. Linking Community Development with Microfinance: How to develop community development programs for income generating activities including educational services and how to link with appropriate financial services
Workshop 7: Thursday July 15, 11.40-14.15: Win-Win – Get the Best Out Of the CSR Trend: Collaboration between NGOs and companies. Hear Dr. Ron Severson’s insights on this and meet the actors from the CSR and NGO worlds. Focus on networking.
Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Peter Blum Samuelsen
Programme Coordinator, Caritas Danmark, www.caritas.dk
Coordinator, Danish Forum for Microfinance, www.mikrofinans.dk
Tlf (kontor): 38 18 00 00 – mobil 30 13 55 35; (Skype) petersamuelsen