80 millioner afrikanske børn arbejder

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Omkring 80 millioner afrikanske børn arbejder, og der er risiko for, at tallet kommer op på 100 millioner i 2015, skriver Africanews onsdag.

BUJUMBURAM, BURUNDI, 15 December 2010: According to the International Labour Organization, a little more than 51 per cent of children aged 10 to 14 work in Burkina Faso, although the Labour Code prohibits employment of children under 14 years.

It is also common in Togo 313.000 Togolese children between 5 and 15 work in urban areas of Togo or in foreign countries and are treated as virtual slaves.

Many children, mostly aged under 14, leave their families to find work in other regions or cross the border to travel to neighbouring countries.

They often perform poorly paid and arduous work as labourers on plantations or domestic, in dangerous health situations.

The trafficked children are working 10 to 20 hours a day, they carry heavy loads and handle dangerous tools.

The scourge is growing in West Africa and Central Africa where some leave voluntarily or at the request of their parents, seeking to escape the terrible poverty of their region.

But others are trapped against traffickers who exploit them or resell them dearly.